Sections & Programs
Allergy & Immunology & Pediatric Pulmonology
The Section of Allergy & Immunology and Pediatric Pulmonology at UChicago Medicine is committed to providing exceptional care to children suffering from allergies, asthma and a variety of pulmonary disorders in the inpatient setting and in our numerous University of Chicago campus clinics and off-site Chicagoland clinic locations.

Christina Ciaccio, MD - Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Medicine
Section Chief, Allergy & Immunology & Pediatric Pulmonology
- Allergic rhinitis
- Food and environmental allergies
- Urticaria
- Angiodema
- Allergic rashes
- Asthma
- Complex apnea
- Asthma
- Birth defects
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
- Neuromuscular disorders leading to chronic lung problems
- Recurrent and persistent pneumonias
- Sleep-related breathing problems
- Insomnia
- Unusual respiratory infections
About Our Section
Special Services
The University of Chicago also maintains a fully accredited Cystic Fibrosis Center that provides specialized care to patients and families with cystic fibrosis. The Center has been continuously approved and funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation since 1967.
This research study is testing an investigational vaccine for peanut allergy in children and teens. Your child may qualify to participate in this study if he or she is:
- 12 to 17 years of age
- Allergic to peanuts
Doctors will check more criteria to decide whether your child qualifies.
If you volunteer and meet the study requirements, your child’s participation will last about 8.5 months, and your child may receive:
- No-cost investigational vaccine for reaction to peanut allergy
- No-cost study-related care from a local doctor
During your child’s participation you’ll make about 11 visits to our offices, and we’ll work with you to find convenient times that fit your schedule. Health insurance and doctor referrals aren’t required to participate.
This clinical research study is enrolling now. To see if your child qualifies or ask questions about the study, please call our staff at 773-702-8137 between 9 AM and 5 PM.
UChicago Medicine, in partnership with La Rabida Children’s Hospital, Friend Family Health Center and St. Bernard Hospital, developed the South Side Pediatric Asthma Center. It provides collaborative, innovative and high-quality care to improve asthma management among South Side children.