Our Department’s success is built on the engagement and success of its physicians and scientists. Faculty Development Program at the University of Chicago Department of Pediatrics is designed to address the key elements that drive professional development.
The Department of Pediatrics is dedicated to the creation of new knowledge that enhances the health of children and their families, the effective communication of that knowledge to students and trainees, and building a dynamic community of faculty scholars, educators, and clinicians. To achieve these goals, we aspire to have faculty who are engaged and fully supported in all their efforts. The Faculty Development program is aimed at increasing faculty engagement and retention, enhancing diversity and inclusion efforts, and amplifying the feeling of inclusion in the Department of Pediatrics so that each faculty member can fully and effectively pursue their scholarly, clinical, and educational efforts.
The Faculty Development Leadership Team oversees programs, including the Department of Pediatrics and Comer Children’s Hospital Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Women in Pediatrics Group, and the Department Scholarship Groups, cosponsored with the Scholarship Committee.